• Create a proper CV - Don't use the Indeed template or rely on your linkedin page.

    A CV is a beautiful opportunity to showcase your achievements, experience and skills to prospective employers. In all of my years in recruitment, I'm yet to see an Indeed templated CV compare with a carefully curated CV. 🖌

  • As humans, we often have a tendency to forget/trivialise certain aspects of our job, especially over a number of years or in the heat of a job search.

    I would suggest updating your CV every 6 months. That promotion, those targets smashed, the extra responsibilities, put that all down.

    Who knows it could be useful info to bring up when discussing payrises 👀

  • How you look is no indicator to your ability to do the role*.

    Beyond that, we thankfully also have anti-discrimination laws in the UK in place which make it a fair process, so there is no need to put a photo on a CV.


  • This is self-explanatory but... you'd be surprised 🙈😅

  • This is mainly one for the recruiters of the world.

    Before sending CVs to clients, a recruiter will format a CV to ensure uniformity in all their submissions and to remove contact & personal details. PDFs with janky formatting can add an unnecessary amount of extra time, so if you could keep a .doc format, your recruiter will love you.

  • 'References are available on request' will suffice.